Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Can Benjamin Britten's Operas benefit from diverse interpretations?

This summer our new coastal company Seastar Opera put on "Turn of the Screw" by Benjamin Britten. Our interpretation had an interesting twist, we used an all female cast. Miles the boy was played by Eleanor Cramer a Cambridge choral scholar and Quint by myself ( a mezzo /contralto) and a mime. I sang Quint at pitch employing my developed chest tenor range which has grown out of my work as a composer developing music designed for a mature women's voice
The decision to use women in the male roles was born firstly out of necessity , tenors don't come cheap and boy trebles voices break too early to be really effective technically or emotionally in singing the complex role of Miles. Also at Seastar as a general point we feel that the opera repertoire doesn't offer enough character scope in female roles. Add to that the dispiriting fact that most operas contain proportionally more male to female roles yet there are far more female than male singers in the modern marketplace.
 Gender has always been changed in opera for artistic reasons , it has a huge tradition spanning over the centuries.  Another interesting development in this gender issue is the new way in which countertenors have been taking on mezzo trouser roles such as Cherubino in Mozart's "The Marriage Figaro" and tenors have been taking on "old mezzo baggage" roles such as The Witch in Humperdinck's " Hansel and Gretel". The results have been fascinating and refreshing. But surely then if these new female to male interpretations are interesting and valid, (Philip Langridge made his last appearance before dying as The Witch at The Met a few years ago) then the opposite is also valid and  noteworthy? Certainly Dame  Jenni Murray on Woman's Hour thought so .
Also the broadcaster David Nice comments elegantly on our interpretation in his  blog. davidnice.blogspot.co.uk .
"I suspect that just as you wouldn't have known Susie and Marina were women beneath that effective make up, you'd never know Eleanor Kramer wasn't a boy. Her 'Malo' was as touching as they come, her screams terrifying; again, only a bit more dramatic vividness as the screw turned wouldn't have gone amiss." David Nice
There were many other  enthusiastic comments about the production,a  few of which I post here below together with a review.
 However after the run a very old fashioned woman from Boosy and Hawkes Britten's publisher who we are paying handsomely for the rights to perform , rang us to complain that we used women. She had heard the Woman's Hour Review. I  am certain though that we have not in anyway subverted our contract with Boosey as we sang all the notes at the intended pitch. Indeed many people in the audience didn't realise women were playing the roles of Miles and Quint. Surely if a composer makes a  great work then it can withstand and indeed thrive under many interpretations? And who is to say it really  matters what genital assignment lurks under the costume of the performer? There is also a possibly contentious sexist issue here but I leave that for you to comment!
Comments and Review
" Benjamin Britten's "Turn of the Screw played to a full house at  Wells Granary Theatre on thursday. Performed by an all women cast  it  was a notable,fascinating,beautifully sung and staged production. Ghostly Quint, diabolical ex valet is played , in mime by Marina Sossi as well as ably sung by Susie Self , conductor and co-director of Seastar Opera. This double act is powerful and effective . Singing of all the cast is sensational." Carla Phillips Eastern Daily Press July 2013
"Dear Seastar Opera,
Sorry its taken so long to feed back on your brilliant production at The Granary Theatre.  What a thrill to hear voices of that quality here in Wells where I live! I have seen TotS before in big theatre productions but yours was more memorable. So many imaginative, brilliant touches. A perfect illustration that : “less is more”! And what a coup to use a dancer for Quint with a different singer. And the superb make up for Miles and will we be hearing Miss Jessel as Brunhilde one day? Please, please more opera here of that calibre. It was memorable. Don’t know how many have written but lots of our opera friends here were deeply impressed." David L Saunders ,Wells Next the Sea
"A gripping and truly memorable production of Britten's Turn of the Screw , inspired, directed, conducted by the remarkable Susie Self who also sang the role of Quint in a quite magical personal performance"
Stephen Richards  publisher for Boosy and Hawkes July 2013 posted on Faceboo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Having reading this wonderful descriptive review of the merits of visiting Europe Mainland's opera houses I can fully agree with the comments made having visited some of the opera houses in other cities that have provided magical memories. I know where my next overseas visits will be.